3-minute step-test (Queens College Step Test)
aerobic test
PREDICTED VO2 max*, mL/kg/min :
*VO2 max is the maximum rate of oxygen consumption.
Print your result and check it again next month.
3-minute step-test is a simple and convenient aerobic test for assessing cardio endurance and aerobic capabilities. Testing equipment is very simple - you just need to find a box of suitable height.
1. Drawer 38 cm high or set of step platforms 38-41 cm high (for calculating the IPC, the step height should be 41.25 cm)
2. Metronome or music recording at 96 bpm
3. Stopwatch
4. Heart rate monitor, tonometer (desirable)
The heart rate monitor (or Polar H7, H10, OH1 heart rate sensor) is convenient for remote control and measurement of pulse during exercise.
BP (blood pressure) measurement before and after stress test helps assess the response of the cardiovascular system.
1. Before the test begins, the test subject sits calmly for three minutes, at which time a briefing is given on the test procedure and technique of movement. Measure heart rate (pulse, beats / min) at rest.
Immediately before the test, a light warm-up is performed - warming up and stretching the muscles of the legs.
2. The metronome starts (or music / or the trainer gives voice commands, achieving the desired step frequency - 96 beats per minute or 24 up-up-down-down cycles for men and 22 cycles for women (metronome 88 beats per minute).
3. With the start of the stopwatch, the subject begins to move. The procedure is:
- a). right leg up,
- b). left leg up,
- c). right leg down,
- d). left leg down
The test lasts for 3 minutes. Knees should fully straighten when climbing a step.
In order to avoid fatigue, it is allowed to switch the leading leg (from right to left).
3. After 3 minutes, the test stops. Five seconds after completion of the test, i.e. at 3:05 after the start of the test, you need to start calculating heartbeats and count them for 15 seconds, i.e. finish heartbeats count at 3:20.
The pulse must be calculated precisely in the interval between 5 and 20 seconds after the test!
4. Record your heart rate.
5. The test subject is jammed with slow walking and stretched for several minutes after the end of the test.
6. Determine the level of aerobic fitness by selecting the received heartbeats result in the drop-down list.